为 git commit 提供 Emoji 指南


最近发现了 gitmoji 仓库,其目的是为 git commit 提供 Emoji 指南。换言之,在约定俗成的前提下,只需看一下提交信息中使用的 Emoji,就能识别目的或意图。但是,工具提供的 Emoji 太多,难免会有重合或遗漏的部分。因此,我浏览了所有提供的 Emoji,并筛选了目前我可能使用到的,整理如下。

Emoji Text Description
🎨 :art: Improve structure / format of the code.
⚡ :zap: Improve performance.
🔥 :fire: Remove code or files.
🐛 :bug: Fix a bug.
✨ :sparkles: Introduce new features.
📝 :memo: Add or update documentation.
🚀 :rocket: Deploy stuff.
✅ :white_check_mark: Add, update, or pass tests.
🔖 :bookmark: Release / Version tags.
🔧 :wrench: Add or update configuration files.
✏ :pencil2: Fix typos.
💩 :poop: Write bad code that needs to be improved.
👽 :alien: Update code due to external API changes.
🚚 :truck: Move or rename resources (e.g.: files, paths, routes).
📄 :page_facing_up: Add or update license.
💥 :boom: Introduce breaking changes.
♿ :wheelchair: Improve accessibility.
💡 :bulb: Add or update comments in source code.
🗃 :card_file_box: Perform database related changes.
🏗 :building_construction: Make architectural changes.
🥚 :egg: Add or update an easter egg.
🙈 :see_no_evil: Add or update a .gitignore file.
🏷 :label: Add or update types.
🗑 :wastebasket: Deprecate code that needs to be cleaned up.